How well do you know the world ?Can you locate a town or monument on a map of the world?Well, do this quiz and try to goto  the highest level possible!!

Es-tu un futur grand voyageur ? Connais-tu le monde et ses monuments?Teste tes connaissances avec ce quiz .On te propose une ville ou un monument et tu dois essayer de le localiser sur une carte du monde!
Get started !!The faster the better!!
Clique sur ce lien puis choisis "photo challenge":

How well do you know England ? A little game on :

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How to Play
"Win A Million Bananas!"

The game is similar to the TV game show called "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" Just like the TV show, each question has four possible answers. Click the letter of the answer you think is correct. Unfortunately, there is no Jean Pierre Foucault to ask you, "Is that your final answer?" so think carefully before you click!