THE VIKINGS

About the year 800, bands of fierce raiders began to attack the English coasts. They were the Vikings. They came across the North Sea, just as the Anglo-Saxons had done 400 years earlier.
In time, like the Anglo-Saxons, they made their home here. They drove the Saxons out of part of the country and took it for themselves.
King Alfred, Saxon king of Wessex, fought them in a great battle, but he could not drive them right away and had to let them have part of the country, called Danelaw. 

      -Where did the Vikings come from?

The Vikings lived over one thousand years ago and came from the three countries of Scandinavia:  Denmark,  Norway and  Sweden.

  -Who were the Vikings?

Vikings were also known as the Norsemen. They were great travellers and sailed to other parts of Europe, where they traded, raided, and often settled
 They were also farmers, fishermen, trappers and traders. Viking craftsmen made beautiful objects out of wood, metal and bone; Viking women were skilful weavers, produced fine, warm textiles.
Norsemen means 'people from the North'
 Many Vikings were great travellers and sailed all over Europe and the Atlantic Ocean in their long ships. 

 Viking ship

   -When did they invade Britain?

The Viking Age in Britain began about 1,200 years ago in the 9th Century AD and lasted for 300 years
The Vikings first invaded Britain in AD 793 and last invaded in 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of England after the Battle of Hastings.

The first place the Vikings attacked in Britain was the monastery at Lindisfarne, a holy island situated off the Northumberland coast in the north east of England. A few years later the island of Iona (off the west coast of Scotland), came under attack and its monks were slaughtered.

Soon no region of the British Isles (Britain and nearby islands) was safe from the Vikings. They attacked villages and towns in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, the Isle of Man and England.

No matter how many times the Vikings were beaten, they always came back, and in the end all their efforts paid off.
 It was the Vikings (Norse) of Normandy who finally conquered England in 1066 and changed British history for ever.
   -Why did the Vikings invade Britain?
Most Vikings who sailed overseas were simply searching for better land for their farms. Their land was not very good for farming. Norway was very hilly,  Sweden was covered in forests, and  Denmark had a lot of sandy home land
    -Where did the Vikings settle in Britain?
The area eventually settled by Vikings was called the Danelaw. It formed a boundary separating Anglo-Saxon England from Viking England and was defined in a treaty between the English King Alfred and Viking King Guthrum in AD 880. It lay north of Watling Street, a Roman road running from London north-west to Chester and covered northern and eastern England. It included counties north of an imaginary line running from London to Bedford and then up to Chester. 
The Vikings settled in: 
  • Islands off the coast of Scotland - Shetland, Orkney and The Hebrides
  • Around the north and north west coast of Scotland
  • Parts of Ireland - Dublin is a Viking city
  • The Isle of Man
  • Small parts of Wales
  • Parts of England known as Danelaw
Click to enlargeMost people lived on farms. The Vikings lived in long rectangular houses made with upright timbers (wood), wattle and daub or stone. They were usually one room with a cooking fire in the middle. The smoke escaped through a hole in the roof.
Animals and people lived in the same building. The animals lived in a byre at one end of the house and the people lived at the other.

                 - CLOTHES

Men wore tunics and trousers and women wore a long dress with a pinafore over it. Their clothes were fastened with belts and brooches. They made their clothes from wool and linen.

Test your knowledge on the Vikings :

The History Channel shows us the Lost World of the Vikings and the advances and technology of the Nordic culture

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