Watch and listen to these two love songs!! 


Cupid woke her up and the couple wed in a ceremony attended by the Gods.

 Cupid was the son of Venus the goddess of love and beauty.

                                                    SAINT  VALENTINE'S  DAY                                             Who was Saint Valentine ?   

   According to a legend St. Valentine was a priest near Rome in about the year 270 AD 

  When Claudius II became the emperor he believed that soldiers would be unable to concentrate on fighting if they were married.

  So he banned marriage.






Valentine defied the emperor and secretly performed marriage ceremonies.

He was sent to prison until he could be executed.
While he was in the dungeon, Father Valentine learned that the jail-keepers daughter was blind and sent for her. He touched her brow and she was immediately granted her sight. It was a miracle!

When the cruel King Claudius,learned of this miracle, he thought it was witchcraft and immediately ordered that Father Valentine's head be chopped off!

On the morning of the execution, February 14, of the year 270, the priest sent a letter to the jail-keepers daughter, whom he had fallen in love with. He signed the letter "From your Valentine". 

That is why people sign their Valentine's Day cards the way they do today.

As Father Valentine was being buried after the exectution, a huge swarm of red and white butterflies appeared and circled over the people at his funeral. They fluttered here and there, and eventually landed upon Father Valentine's coffin. The people looked at the pattern that the butterflies had made when they landed and saw that it was shaped like a big heart. And that is why  the heart is used as a symbol of love today.


Psyche was a mortal princess, she was so beautiful that Venus was jealous and ordered Cupid to punish the mortal. But instead, Cupid fell deeply in love with her. After a lot of events Psyche died.

Here is an animated video version on history of Valentine

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