The last Roman soldiers left Britain in AD 410, and then new people came in ships across the North Sea. Historians call them Anglo-Saxons.
 The new settlers were a mixture of people from north Germany, Denmark and northern Holland. Most were Saxons, Angles and Jutes
 If we use the modern names for the countries they came from, the Saxons, were German-Dutch, the Angles were southern Danish, and Jutes were northern Danish. 

Why did Anglo-Saxons invade Britain?

Historians are not sure why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain.
 Some sources say that the Saxon warriors were invited to come, to the area now know as England, to help keep out invaders from Scotland and Ireland. 
Another reason for coming may have been because their land often flooded and it was difficult to grow crops, so they were looking for new places to settle down and farm.

To know more about the Angle- Saxons' way of life :http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/anglo_saxons/anglo-saxon_life/

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